Why carrying out a SWOT analysis could be a positive, pivotal moment for your business
An article in www.bbc.co.uk - business section featured George James’s business Be-Hookd Digital.
The business experienced rapid growth from start up, then his business partner chose to make a career move leaving George on his own.
Without her marketing expertise George’s initial reaction was to give up but encouraged to keep going his business now has 40 employees with offices in London, New York and Los Angeles.
The pivotal moment was George’s recognition that his perceived weaknesses were in fact his strengths.
George said “I turned what I thought was my weaknesses into a strength. It’s how our agency found its edge.”
Isn’t it time to carry out a SWOT analysis on you and your business?
It could reveal an amazing opportunity that you may not have considered!
If you need help with understanding how to complete a truly effective SWOT analysis get in touch for your free guide.