Working from Home – Are You a Winner or Loser?
Are you benefiting from “Working from home”?
Recent articles published on the website highlight that working from home (WFH) is going to continue for very much longer and that some companies are seriously considering full time WFH.
A key explanation is that creating socially distanced work spaces will significantly reduce capacity. However WFH is not a long term reality for those sitting with a lap top on the corner of a kitchen table or perched on the edge of their bed. In contrast some are more productive, not having to undertake a long, tiring work commute and enjoying an improved work/life balance. Trying to work with family members around is distracting but having more time to enjoy being with them is great!
From an economic perspective there are conflicting benefits and drawbacks. Less people travelling helps the environment but hurts the transport companies. Businesses relying on trade from nearby offices will suffer reduced footfall but savings from reduced commuting creates more spending power. There may well be excess office space available to let which could encourage reduced rates.
Whatever way the COVID-19 issue ends there will be winners and losers.