What to expect when starting your own business!
Conversations with a large number of individuals who have chosen to launch their own business identified a number of common responses.
It takes numerous revisions to define your business plan, target market and your Unique Selling Point.
Business networking is a valuable tool to be honed
Be prepared for failure and make sure you learn from it
Engaging with social media is essential
Time and task management are critical assets
Degrees of success are varied and all experienced a roller coaster of emotions on their journey. To be successful takes hard work, desire, resilience, patience and some good luck.
A swift realisation was that there will not be a queue of clients knocking on your door from day one.
There is no short cut, expect hard work, challenges to be faced with difficult decisions to be made but even the smallest of successes makes it all feel worthwhile!
Significantly they all acknowledge that undertaking any help or guidance through whatever function is available has saved them numerous wasted hours and provided a kick start to positive progress.