Want to Grow Your Business but Struggling to Find Your Way Forward?
Check out this proven business growth process that has successfully invigorated numerous enterprises.
Where is your business today?
What are you seeking to achieve?
Ø Financial Goals
What is your current number of clients, turnover, profit and cost base?
Now define your financial objectives, ensure these are quantified with a timescale.
Ø Market sectors
Where are you today?
Consider what other sectors you could serve?
Ø Location
Where are your current customers?
Where else could you trade?
Ø Marketing
What is your current strategy?
Do you have a defined client profile, is it too narrow? Are there different clients’ needs and wants that you could serve?
Where are your potential prospects looking for your product/service?
What other appropriate marketing tools (eg social media, networking) could you exploit?
What are your competitors doing and saying? How do you differentiate from them?
Ø What Else!!??
If you are struggling to answer these questions and would appreciate some help then don’t hesitate to contact us today.
email michael@basicsandbeyond.co.uk or call 07762 937137
We are happy to have an initial exploratory, no commitment, no cost conversation.