How well-defined is your ideal client profile?

If you are serious about marketing you need to stop being generic and focus on your ideal client or clients.

From a marketing perspective it is very important to be able to define the profile of your ideal client or clients and understand their “personas”.

There are four distinct persona profiles to consider, each responding differently as to how they will engage with you.


Competitive (logical and fast)

Convince them you have an immediate fix to their problem and why your fix is the best.


Spontaneous (emotional and fast)

They are not interested in facts and figures. Explain the problem, your solution and how promptly they will have a resolution.


Humanistic (emotional and slow)

Like to build a relationship before buying. Display empathy with their problem and how, by them engaging with you, they will have it resolved.


Methodical (logical and slow)

You need to provide them with evidence that your product or service will work for them. They want clear details and will follow a purchasing process, as long as it is straightforward and without distractions.


If you are struggling with identifying and engaging your ideal client than let's have a chat.