Has your business lost its sense of direction?
The last several months have been exceptionally challenging for businesses. Some have been in the fortunate position to benefit from the pandemic and others have successfully pivoted their business to take advantage of the opportunities presented. But for very many these have been significantly challenging times.
Struggling with the loss of markets, the challenges of managing staff working from home, furloughing staff members, sadly having to lay staff off and coping with the bureaucracy of the support funding being provided have distracted business owners.
Dealing with staff wellbeing as well as sustaining personal resilience have added to the challenges.
The ability to cope and provide positive leadership and motivation have been essential attributes but behind all of this it has been critical to not lose sight of where you want to take your business. What is your vision for the future and how can you make positive progress towards achieving it?
Those that remain focused will be successful, those who cannot will struggle. Which are you?
If you are seeking a safe sounding board to sound out your thoughts get in touch.