Managing to Save Time

TIME – a commodity of which we can never have too much.

We are all very aware of the need to save time and manage it efficiently. To focus on productive activities and dump or delegate those less essential tasks that consume our valuable time. You know the benefits – there is no need to repeat them here.

Then why do we see countless blogs, articles, courses and books promoting ways to improve our time management. An extreme example of a strict time management regime is Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter. As part of his eccentric life style (too much detail to include here) to save time he only eats one meal a day, in the evening and doesn’t eat at all on a Friday or a Saturday.

Surely all we need is a little piggy bank in which to deposit all those moments of time when we have nothing to do. Then raid it when time is short.

Now, I guess you are wondering why you spent your valuable time reading this!