How Healthy is Your Gut?
Medical research is constantly exploring ways to help us improve our diet to achieve better health and wellbeing.
After numerous years of being advised of what to decrease or eliminate from our diets; salt, sugar, alcohol, processed foods, etc, nutritionists are now encouraging us to add certain food items, to enhance the microbiome in our digestive system and improve our health and wellbeing.
Suggested foods we should eat more of include oatmeal, beans, blueberries, red peppers, live yoghurt, kefir (fermented milk), miso, sauerkraut, kimchi, sourdough, almonds and olive oil.
Understanding the intricate relationship between the gut microbiome and human health is a rapidly evolving field of research. Ongoing studies continue to explore ways to promote a healthy gut microbiome and uncover the positive impact it has on various aspects of our lifestyle.
The key physical benefits to be achieved include enhanced digestion, regulating our immune system, producing the short-chain fatty acids that are a source of energy for our body. Additionally we should experience a positive influence on our mood, behaviours and our cognitive function.
Consuming those essential additions to your diet will make you energised and motivated better able to focus on your business and work on those tasks that you have been putting off and that you know will make a positive difference!
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