Customer loyalty, the key to successful, consistent business growth

But how many competing loyalty cards must you have in your wallet before customer loyalty becomes meaningless?

Appreciating the value of repeat business, you will recognise the critical importance of excellent customer care. Loyalty has to be earned, providing the highest calibre of service and regular customer engagement will yield the greatest returns.

There are many ways to create loyal customers.

Once a customer has completed a transaction, it’s only the beginning of your relationship, for example send them a simple email thanking them for their custom.

Simple gestures make people feel good and this will encourage them to think positively about your brand. Brand loyalty is based on a combination of projecting your company’s values, and creating a great customer experience.

Make sure your customers love your brand – not just your offers.

A rewards system could help customers prioritise you over a competitor if they gain something in return for their loyalty. However, it is important to ensure these rewards or offers are targeted. A CRM system will help you to determine and deliver the relevant rewards by using information collected on the types of products or services being purchased. Targeted communication and use of social media has become standard practice.
Programmes that are customer specific are proven to be far more successful in achieving your ultimate goals – retention and repeat business.

BUT beware of over communicating and becoming a nuisance.

To conclude, with a loyal customer base you will grow your business through repeat purchases, increased value purchases and benefit from an invaluable source of referals.