Business Networking Part 2
Having recovered from the trauma of my first business networking experience it was time to face the next challenge – SPEEDY MEET! This time I arrived at the venue early, informal networking was already taking place, very sociable, everyone seemed to know one another, except me of course!
Then SPEEDY MEET commenced, 30 or so simultaneous conversations, what a racket! Another crucial learning point, my “elevator pitch” was at best inadequate. If you want to evaluate the quality of your “elevator pitch” I urge you to try SPEEDY MEET.
By the way can you guess how many graphic designers and website developers there are? As time passed, with the benefit of experience and some research I began to appreciate there is a proper networking process. Also, there are professional networkers around who are willing to share their expertise. This provides a good starting point but your routine has to be natural and personal. Other networkers will quickly recognise if you are trying too hard or are inexperienced. You are more likely to receive a sympathetic ear if you are genuine and friendly.
One positive tip is that listening is far more valuable than speaking. Ask “open questions” and pay attention to the answers. You will gain a lot of valuable information about the other person and their business. Avoid the scatter gun approach, dealing out business cards as quickly as possible. It is tempting but contain your enthusiasm, people will not remember you. A few good conversations are far more valuable than a quantity of “we must meet up for coffee” invites.
A very clear message is don’t expect people to immediately buy into the service or product you are offering. Developing positive relationships, mutual trust and understanding takes time and patience.
Watch out for the next part of this blog.