When was the last time you did it?
Apple has done it, the BBC has done it, Coca Cola has done it, John Lewis has done it and so have very many other enterprises.
So when is the right time to consider reviewing your brand image and how you visually present your business? Of course there is the conflict of staying with what has been developed and to an extent institutionalised with being up to date with current styles and images.
So perhaps your logo or headline remains constant but how pertinent in today’s market is your strap line?
New website templates and styles are constantly being created to the point where it is has almost become expected that there will be regular upgrades to how you will appear and operate. There is also SEO to be considered. Will your social media and website continue to appeal to your target audience, is it mobile and tablet friendly and equally significantly what are your competitors doing?
And another point to consider, a random check of websites highlighted the last blog was posted well into the past and the “latest news” items were several years old. What impression does that give to potential clients?
When was the last time you really critically looked at your website, business card, letterhead and other promotional material? How up to date are they? How do they compare with your peers? Are they consistent with current trends? Is it time for change?
Want help with the answers then get in touch.