Blog writing - where to begin
First have a definitive topic for your blog, whether it be a comment, providing advice, offering a service or addressing a problem it should be focused on your target audience. For example
• Talk to your readers as if they were in the room with you. Avoid waffle, jargon, mumbo jumbo and exaggeration
• Keep the theme consistent
• Consider the readers desires, aspirations or difficulties. Remember they are more interested in how you can help them than they are in you. Create a vision of how with your help they will be so much better off, whether it be a business enhancing concept or life style change or whatever. Be specific about the benefits, don’t have them guessing.
• Tune into emotions and create a picture of what success will feel like. Use positive language, be upbeat
• Have a word count, (my normal target is around 300 words) and stick to it, better to be less than to ramble on.
Use headlines to create curiosity encouraging the reader to engage, for example “Marketing Mistakes even Smart People Make” or “How I doubled my turnover from £100k to £200k in just three months”. You should find that if you compose the blog first, the headline and subtitle will be easier to define. Use images and bullet points to create visual impact.
Whatever you discuss, be credible. Improbable or vague content will lose the reader. Importantly, write with passion, honesty, sincerity and above all have your own style.
Finish with a compelling call to action, even if it is something simple such as “like” or “share” “call now” or “email for more info”. If possible offer an incentive.